The Self-Connection Podcast: S1 E 17: Building a Community

0:00 Sharon begins with a medtiation.

8:30 Our conversation begins focusing on community.  Community is a coming together of people with like minded values. There is a sense of belonging, Sharon cites research that people are going to be experiencing more depression over time as people are sequestered into virtual social media spaces. 

We talked about the importance of community for refugees like the Vietnamese boat people that came to Canada in the 70s of which Tim’s wife is a child of.

14:00 Sharon finds inspriation and energy from her connection to the Satir community and her church.  Many windows one light. There is something powerful and connective when a group of people sing together. 

17:00 Tim shared his appreciation for the joy and willingness that people at the IHLRN conference showed for contributing to the conference with even the smallest of tasks.  Our sense of feeling useful and helpful we can feel meaning and purpose in our lives. 

19:30 Sharon shared about her community growing up of about 100 people and that neighbors would be very well connected and helpful to each other. Now that most of us live in large urban settings, we are very disconnected and we don’t know our neighbors.

24:00 Tim mentions how Sharon is a leader in building communities virtually through Virginia’s work. 

29:00 When we connect through our similiariities we can apprecaite our differences in a positive way. 

30:30 Sharon mentions the temperature reading tool as a way of getting to know each other. 

A temperature reading involves sharing appreciations for oneself and others, puzzles (things that are problems that need to be resolved), complains and recommendations, new information and hopes and wishes.  

33:00 We talked about Tim’s experience doing a piece of therapeutic work in front of a group of 40 people with Laura Dodson and how supportive it is to do personal work within the context of a safe group , a community.